Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What are you doing differently for Christ this week?

Hi everyone!
As we discussed yesterday during life group, what is it that we are going to do differently during Holy Week for Christ. There are only a few more days left, so lets all chat about what that will be for us.


  1. For me (Carol), I am going to not complain about all the things that are going wrong in my life at the moment, instead reflecting quietly within me and waiting on the Lord! Ps 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

  2. After Felicia and I asked you to pray for us on Monday about this trip, which we will start today, I have decided this weekend I am going to do everything I can to enjoy spending time with her brother Sebastian. I am going to do everything I can, with much help from Felicia to remind me, to love her brother as Christ does. I believe this will cause me pray constantly and hopefully change the relationship I have with Sebastian!

  3. I am going to spend at least 30 minutes a day in the word! What better week to start a great habit!

  4. I think that is really mature and Christ-like of Steven and Felicia! Let us know how it goes!

  5. Felicia, have you started that yet, and if so how has it been going?

  6. hey guys, I know that today is the end of Holy Week, but I still wanted to say what I've been TRYING to do.
    This week I've been making the conscious effort to trust in the Lord. When I was younger it was something I just did and in the last few years it has become something that I struggle with everyday. I think that I've been pretty successful with this this week until today, where I can say I have definitely failed. However, I'm a work in progress and it's something that I'm going to continue trying to do and praying about.

  7. You know Charlotte, we all fail sometimes, but it's the progress that we make that speaks for us. As long as you continue to make progress, the Lord will see you through in that journey. Don't get too down on yourself, just know you have to keep working at it.

    My week went really well actually as far as what I was going to do for the Lord. It was hard though, because there were definitely times that i wanted to talk to Tukes about a number of things but I couldn't. My goal is to keep it going through the rest of this month, and see how much better I feel. Well I will give myself some room to discuss things with Tukes and others, but I will try to limit the amount of complaining. Hopefully it'll just become a part of me.

  8. Can everyone please take the time out to comment on how their week went? Thanks!

  9. Hi all!!! My week has gone fairly well. I have to say that when you leave your home church for a weekend it really feels like you are away from your family! We missed our Calvary!!! We spent a lot of time in the word and at church services this weekend the atmosphere was just not quite there like it is at calvary. I have to brag on Steven... he was very kind and really I think accomplished his goal for the weekend! He tried his best to love as Christ does and did very well! I love you all and can not wait to see you tonight!!!!
